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Class Description

Aerial Therapy 空中療癒

Aerial Therapy 空中療癒

1.50 credits/ All levels

Sweating index: 0 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)


Let yoga heal your body and mind.
We use a hammock to support our movement in Aerial Therapy class. We allow our spine to relax to it’s maximum length while we are doing a series of gentle movements. By staying in these postures, our deepest connective tissues can be messaged and stretched.
By giving more spaces to our joints and intervertebral discs, not only the tight muscles can be relieved but also a series of pains such as low back pain, sciatica, shoulder pain can be relieved.
This class is suitable for those who want to find a sense of mental stability, calm and inner peace by doing gentle and long stretching. No need to have any experience in aerial yoga as it’s a different concept.
The Aerial Therapy Rules:
-No tank tops. MUST wear a t-shirt that cover the armpits. (A close-fitting t-shirt or one that tucks into your pants will keep you from flashing in the class during an inversion.)
-No jewelry

Chair Yoga Fun 椅子瑜伽樂

Chair Yoga Fun 椅子瑜伽樂

1.50 credits/ All levels

Sweating index: 3/5 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)

Chair yoga uses the assistance of a Yoga Chair to help us enter the Yoga Posture steadily in a soothing and gentle form. Through the coordination of breathing, we can safely and comfortably experience each movement in depth.
Chair can be used instead of yoga mat to deepen our level and assists us in doing some difficult Asanas that can be done conveniently. The effect is beyond your imagination.
This course is suitable for students of all levels and states./ All levels
Sweating index: 3/5 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
Chair yoga uses the assistance of a Yoga Chair to help us enter the Yoga Posture steadily in a soothing and gentle form. Through the coordination of breathing, we can safely and comfortably experience each movement in depth.
Chair can be used instead of yoga mat to deepen our level and assists us in doing some difficult Asanas that can be done conveniently. The effect is beyond your imagination.
This course is suitable for students of all levels and states.

Breathe with Me (Pranayama 瑜伽呼吸法)

Breathe with Me (Pranayama 瑜伽呼吸法)

0.5 credit/ All levels

Sweating index: 0 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)


在古代經典中有一個譬喻, 人的一生,呼吸有一定的次數,因此必須學懂慢慢使用,若呼吸淺而急促,次數消耗過多,生命就容易燃燒殆盡,所以既深且長的呼吸才是王道。

Yoga Nidra and Therapy 療癒瑜伽-大休息

Yoga Nidra and Therapy 療癒瑜伽-大休息

1.5 credit/ All levels

Sweating index: 0 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)



帕坦加利的《瑜伽經》中提及瑜伽的八個階段。其中第五階段為感官內斂,把感官(視覺, 聽覺,嗅覺,味覺,觸覺) 從外在的事物轉往內用心去感覺。藉著感官內斂,感官會受你控制,心靈將得到自由。

在瑜伽休息術裡,你的四種感官(視覺,嗅覺,味覺,觸覺) 將處於靜止內斂狀態,只有聽覺仍保留以聆聽引導。

瑜伽休息術是與瑜伽體式練習截然不同的練習。 僅通過掃描身體及有意識的呼吸,讓神經系統平靜,從而減輕壓力並改善健康狀況。它提供了一個向內探索的空間,讓長期積累及深藏已久的負面情緒得以釋放。






This class will begin with gentle stretching which helps to prevent and cure, to a certain extent, common physical ailments related to the joints, the digestive system, the respiratory system and the nervous system.

Following by simple breathing exercises and guided meditation.
Then you are invited to rest comfortably in savasana and let go completely. All you have to do is follow the voice that is guiding you.

What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga nidra is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of verbal instructions.
In yoga nidra the practitioner remains in a state of light withdrawal of the 5 senses (the fifth element among the Eight stages of Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga in Yoga Sutra) with four senses internalised, that is, withdrawn, and only hearing still connects to any instructions given.

Yoga Nidra is very complementary to physical yoga practice. The stages of body scan and breath awareness alone can be practiced to calm the nervous system, leading to less stress and better health. You will be more clarity, connection and joy.
It offers a space to explore what you need in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions.

Language: Chinese

Yoga Wheel & Ring 瑜伽輪及瑜伽圈

Yoga Wheel & Ring 瑜伽輪及瑜伽圈

1 credit/ All levels

Sweating index: 1 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)

利用瑜伽輪及瑜伽圈的特性幫助學員打開每一個關節、放鬆每一塊肌肉、伸展每一吋肌膚,輕輕鬆鬆達到伸展目的。幫助您安全地探索未知的伸展領域,開發身體更多的可能性。新頴好玩的一堂課,讓你疲勞盡失、身心舒暢。 瑜伽圈及瑜伽輪絕對是最好的工具幫助您達到最佳拉伸效果。
Yoga Wheel and Yoga Ring are the best tools for stretching and opening up the stiff joints and relieve muscle tension. By the unique characteristics of Wheel and Ring, students can stretch deeper and explore more possibilities for opening up their bodies. It is a fun and safe class to make you relax and reduce tension stored inside your muscles due to the stress and poor postures. The combination of Yoga Wheel and Ring are definitely the best tools helping you stretching and reach your maximum capacity.
Exclusive @Lazycatyoga®

Practice with me 基礎瑜伽

Practice with me 基礎瑜伽

1 credit/ All levels

Sweating index: 2 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)

您會一步一步學習以下的體式: 站立、後彎、坐姿、扭轉、前彎、髖關節開啟、簡單的倒立和手臂平衡。 您亦會明白核心群肌肉訓練與減輕痛症及幫助您做到更深入的式子的關係。
A fundamental class which takes you to the fun Yoga world.
Our teacher Amanda will explain how to do each Asana correctly and teach you basic breathing and meditation skills.
You will learn the following Asanas step by step: standing, back bend, sitting, twisting, forward bending, hip opening, simple handstand and arm balance. You will also understand how important it is to train up your core group muscles as it can help relieve the pain and achieve a deeper Asanas.
Gradually your body will begin to heal itself, and you will regain your balance and harmony. From then on, you will feel stronger, healthier and happier!

Go Deep with me 傳統瑜伽(進階) (90 minutes)

Go Deep with me 傳統瑜伽(進階) (90 minutes)

1.5 credits / Intermediate to Advanced

Sweating index: 5 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
Advanced Yoga is based on traditional Hatha Yoga and is fully guided by Amanda who has over 15 years of continuous practice and teaching experience.
The 90-minute class includes Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation practice.
It gives students an opportunity to reach beyond their comfortable zone, let them explore more and go deeper physically and mentally through the practice. 
Demonstrations and explanations will be provided.
Suitable for yoga instructors and those who has desire to go deeper in their practice plus continuous practice for more than one year.

Go Gentle with me 傳統瑜伽(中級) (90 minutes)

Go Gentle with me 傳統瑜伽(中級) (90 minutes)

1.5 credits / Intermediate

Sweating index: 3 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)


1. 調息 
2. 靜心 
3. 基本式子 
4. 基本串連 
5. 基本倒立 
6. 核心訓練 
7. 伸展 
8. 瑜伽深層休息 

1. 對傳統瑜伽練習有興趣的你 
2. 已掌握基本式子技巧的你 
3. 想從基礎進入中階學習的你 
4. 在練習中停滯不前的你 
5. 想回歸基礎練習的經驗練習者及瑜伽導師 

Does your yoga practice help you connect with your body and your breathing? In this class you will experience a traditional, basic and gentle yoga practice using clear and detailed guidelines designed to achieve maximum benefits from the yoga postures. In addition, the class will lead you through pranayama and meditation practice to balance your body and mind, experience deep relaxation mentally and physically, and help you feel harmony and reconnect to your inner peace. 

* The course is designed for students who have more than a half year of yoga experience. Beginners are also welcome to join, but it may be a bit challenging to follow. 

Class includes: 
1. Pranayama 
2. Meditation 
3. Basic Asanas 
4. Simple Vinyasa 
5. Basic Inversion 
6. Core Training 
7. Stretching 
8. Yoga Nidra 

Suitable for those: 
1. Who are interested in traditional yoga practice. 
2. Who have learned basic asanas. 
3. Beginners who want to enter the intermediate level. 
4. Who are looking for a breakthrough in their yoga practice. 
5. Experienced practitioners and yoga instructors who want to return to basic practice.

​Yin & Yang, Sun & Moon Yoga 陰陽.日月瑜伽

​Yin & Yang, Sun & Moon Yoga 陰陽.日月瑜伽

1 credits / All level

Sweating index: 2 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)


課堂混合陰陽兩種瑜伽風格:陰瑜伽中各種體式將被動地保持更長的時間,藉此伸展身體深層的結締組織和關節。 陽瑜伽則着重喚醒和加強肌肉力量,藉此加快血液循環和加強我們身體的柔韌性,是一種積極進取的練習。

For balancing energy, flexibility and strength

Blend two styles of yoga into one practice - bringing together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses with more dynamic sequences and standing postures.
Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts which describe the two relative qualities present in everything. Yin is more internal, passive, cooling and downward. While Yang is more external, dynamic, warming and upward.
When these terms are applied to yoga, Yin Yoga is a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer, working on the deep, dense (Yin) connective tissues and joints in the body. Yang Yoga, in contrast, refers to a more active practice working on the (Yang) muscles and blood flow, building strength, stamina and flexibility.

Move with me 舞動瑜伽

Move with me 舞動瑜伽

1 credit/ Beginner to Intermediate
Sweating index: 3 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)

有想過以瑜伽式子配合音樂讓身體隨著拍子舞動起來嗎? 只要您對瑜伽式子有基本認識,就可以逐步跟上步法!簡單易學,不須要有節制感只須要動起來。您準備好揮發汗水,增強血液循環,改善關節靈活性,喚醒身體每個細胞了嗎?
It is a fun class with lots of sweat and laughs.
Start and end with stretching, base Asanas introduction.
As long as you have basic understanding of Yoga movements, you can gradually follow the steps, let the body move with the beat, enhance blood circulation, improve joint flexibility, and awaken every cell.
Created by teacher Amanda. The class will bring you surprises every time and lead you into the amazing world of Yoga.
Let’s move!!

Wheel with me 瑜伽輪

Wheel with me 瑜伽輪

1 credits/ All levels

Sweating index: 2 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
- 改善寒背
- 改善因背椎孤度消失引發的痛楚
- 改善肩背因僵硬而帶來的痛楚
- 訓練肩膊的靈活性
- 訓練肩椎柔軟度,更容易掌控後彎動作
- 有助舒緩因輕微椎間盤突出而帶來的各項不適

-Relieve the pain caused by the disappearance of the spinal curve
-Train up the flexibility of the back to handle backbend pose
-Relieve the discomfort caused by stiff shoulders and back
-Improve rounded back
-Train up the flexibility of the shoulders
-Relieve the discomfort caused by mild disc herniation
Yoga Wheel is designed to help stretching and releasing tension and muscular tightness in the back, chest, shoulders, abdomen and hip flexors. It is especially suitable for those who have stiff shoulders and back or use computer for long period of time.

*Please consult your doctor before taking any wheel class if you have any spinal fusions.

Flow with me 流動瑜伽

Flow with me 流動瑜伽

1 credit/ Intermediate

Sweating index: 3 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
“Ha” represents the sun and “Tha” represents the moon.
Hatha Yoga is the most traditional yoga practice; a combination of yin and yang, rigid and soft.
Class focuses on improving both mental and physical health and purifying the body and spirit.
You will learn the traditional Asanas and Pranayama, which can enhance the body's strength, flexibility, improve internal organs and cardiopulmonary functions, remove toxins from the body and purify the body and mind.
Regular practice brings countless benefits include increasing flexibility, muscles tone and strength;  improving circulation, heart health, sleeping quality, energy levels, athletic performance; reducing sports injuries, and improve posture. Improving anxiety and depressive symptoms, chronic pain, releasing endorphins and improve mood. Ready to meet the best of yourself?

Stretch with me 柔和伸展瑜伽

Stretch with me 柔和伸展瑜伽

1 credits/ All levels

Sweating index: 2 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
This class featuring different techniques to help students stretching and opening up their joints safely. The aim is to relax the muscles and tendons after stretching, of course the mind will be more relax when the body is not stiff anymore.
This is a great complimentary class for those who have a powerful practice style and will be useful for practitioners who struggle with stiffness.
It can correct bad posture, reduce the pain caused by muscle tension, enhance the flexibility and softness of the body, thus reducing the chance of injury and could delaying aging.

 Yoga Ring ​瑜伽圈班

Yoga Ring ​瑜伽圈班

1 credits/ All levels

Sweating index: 2 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)

根據人體的經絡穴位,以筋膜原理設計出來的瑜伽圈課程保證是獨一無二,新穎好玩的。 學員可以從這一小時的課堂獲得最大的得著。 

課堂上我們藉著瑜伽圈刺激我們身上的穴位,產生身體能量,沿着不同的經絡,傳導到它相應的臟腑組織。輔以瑜伽的體式:包括暖身動作、流動式子、站立式子、平衡式子、 強化腹部肌肉動作、坐姿及背部著地的中和式子、最後加上溫和的舒筋活絡陰瑜伽動作及大休息作為總結。 

以瑜伽圈作為工具不但可以幫助學員加強平衡感和提升柔軟度,同時可以進行更深入的力量訓練, 這絕對是一堂全面的瑜伽課堂,讓您獲得滿足感之餘同時充滿趣味性 。

This class is designed according to the meridian and acupoint of the human body, it is fun and unique. If you only have only one hour to practice during the busy days, this class will meet your expectation in sweat, stretch and release tension. Using the Yoga Ring as a tool to deepen your practice, this is definitely a comprehensive yoga class which makes you feel satisfied and full of fun by the end of the practice.

Beginners Yoga 初學者瑜伽

Beginners Yoga 初學者瑜伽

1 credits/ Beginners
Sweating index: 2 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)


A gentle yoga sequence designed for new joiners and regular yoga participants who are willing to practice with a beginner’s mind. 
The class includes simple breathing techniques, introduction to meditation, stretching to relax joints and muscles, basic Asanas and entry-level sun salutation. 

Great for total relaxation, refreshing body and mind, creating space for joy and inner peace. 

Aerial Yoga 空中瑜伽

Aerial Yoga 空中瑜伽

1.5 credits/ All levels

Sweating index: 3-4 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
An aerial yoga which a combination of traditional yoga floor poses and postures done on a hammock suspended at waist height. The practice creates new experience on traditional poses with additional benefits: with the help of gravity there is little pressure or stress on the joints especially the spine. A comfortable t-shirt will be a good choice and definitely on big meal before departure. 
It is not recommended to join aerial yoga if you have heart disease, cardiac dysrhythmia, blood pressure problem, retinal detachment, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, taking anticoagulants, extreme obesity, hernia, otitis media, glass bone, pregnancy, drunk, taking drugs, after surgery, menstruation with heavy blood flow or motion sickness unless you have consulted your doctor. 



Aerial Yoga Rules 
-No tank tops. MUST wear a t-shirt that cover the armpits. (A close-fitting t-shirt or one that tucks into your pants will keep you from flashing the class during an inversion.) 
-No jewelry. 
-Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to find the appropriate length fabric.


(852) 60120760

1) 懶惰貓瑜伽都會館:





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