Registered Yoga School
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider
Experienced Yoga Teacher
~ Let Yoga Heal You ~

What you should know for coming to your first yoga class
1. 請穿著合適的衣服,有彈性又較貼身的款式都是較好的選擇;注意不宜配帶誇張飾物。在大多數情況下是赤足練習的。
Wear suitable clothes as you do yoga practice. Recommend to wear stretchy clothing.In most cases, we will practice in barefoot.
2. 在練習瑜伽前一至兩小時不宜進食。
Recommend no eating 1 to 2 hours before practicing.
3. 上課時請帶備一條毛巾。伸展時它能成為您的輔助工具;汗流浹背時可用作抹汗;使用抱枕時可作為覆蓋;大休息時可遮蓋身體。Please come to the class with a towel. It can be used when stretching, sweating, covering bolster and covering your shoulders or tummy during savasana.
4. 如有任何疾病或懷孕或女性生理期間,請跟據自己狀況決定是否練習瑜伽。
Consult with your physicians if you are in doubt of your health condition such as pregnancy, in menstruation or heart condition etc.
5. 請提前五至十分鐘到達教室,靜坐一會令身心作好準備。
Better to arrive 5 to 10 minutes prior to class starts, so you are fully calm before practice.
6. 手提電話絕不能和您一起練習,請把它關掉(震機有時亦很騷擾同學)並保留在您的手提袋內。給自己一個與自己好好相處的機會。
Please turn off your mobile phone and give yourself a chance to connect to your inner self.
7. 倒立動作或不適合高血壓,眼壓問題,心臟病,癲癇病者。如有懷疑請先咨詢您的醫生。
Inversion poses may not suitable for those who suffering in high blood pressure, IOP (intraocular pressure), medical condition affecting the heart, Epilepsy. Please consult your doctor if you have any doubts.
8. 空中瑜伽規則: 必須穿一件能覆蓋腋下的上衣,不要穿背心及不要配戴飾物。另外亦不要穿太寬鬆的衣服和短褲以確保您在翻轉過程中不會走光。請提前五至十分鐘到達課室以調整吊床至合適的長度。
Aerial Yoga Rules: Must wear a t-shirt that cover the armpits, no tank tops. Please don't wear jewelry and too loose garment and short shorts. A close-fitting t-shirt or one that tucks into your pants will keep you from flashing the class during an inversion. Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to find the appropriate length fabric.
9. 不建議在進行練習時喝水,練習後也不建議立即大量喝水、進食及洗澡。
Drinking and eating excessively before practice is not recommended.
It is not a good action to take shower as soon as the class done as pores are in the dilated state while the body is in the self-repair state after yoga practice. Shower after practice will cause the pores shrink and stop its repairing function, and the internal heat cannot be dissipated, it may lead to temperature regulation disorder.
10. 做任何動作都應該按部就班、順其自然、聽自己身體所發出的訊息,不要操之過急及與人比較。瑜伽是養生、是保健、是找回最美好的自己,恭喜您遇上瑜伽。
Practice step by step, take your time, listen to the messages received from your body, do not rush in and compare with others. Yoga is a life learning progress and a way to discover your true self.
11. 在課堂期間嚴禁拍攝或錄影。It is not allowed to take photos or videos during the class.
Congratulations that you meet yoga.
Hope you will fall in love with yoga and then fall in love with yourself.
Typhoon and Rainstorm Arrangement
八號或以上颱風 Typhoon No.8 or above
課堂開始前一小時戀掛八號或以上颱風,課堂取消。Hoisted 1 hour before the class starts, class cancels.
在課堂其間懸掛八號或以上颱風,課堂取消。Hoisted during the class, class cancels.
課堂於颱風除下後兩小時後復課。Class will resume 2 hours after the typhoon signal is lower.
黑色暴雨警告 Black Rain ALert
課堂開始前一小時戀掛黑色暴雨警告,課堂取消。Hoisted 1 hour before the class starts, class cancels.
在課堂其間懸掛黑色暴雨警告,課堂如常進行。Hoisted during the class, class continues.
課堂於黑色暴雨警告除下後兩小時後復課。Class will resume 2 hours after the black rain alert cancelled.
Classes are as usual if only Typhoon No. 1, Typhoon No. 3, red rain alert or yellow rain alert hoists on that day。
(852) 60120760
1) 懶惰貓瑜伽都會館: