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Yoga Nidra and Therapy 療癒瑜伽-大休息

1.5 credit/ All levels

Sweating index: 0 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)



帕坦加利的《瑜伽經》中提及瑜伽的八個階段。其中第五階段為感官內斂,把感官(視覺, 聽覺,嗅覺,味覺,觸覺) 從外在的事物轉往內用心去感覺。藉著感官內斂,感官會受你控制,心靈將得到自由。

在瑜伽休息術裡,你的四種感官(視覺,嗅覺,味覺,觸覺) 將處於靜止內斂狀態,只有聽覺仍保留以聆聽引導。

瑜伽休息術是與瑜伽體式練習截然不同的練習。 僅通過掃描身體及有意識的呼吸,讓神經系統平靜,從而減輕壓力並改善健康狀況。它提供了一個向內探索的空間,讓長期積累及深藏已久的負面情緒得以釋放。






This class will begin with gentle stretching which helps to prevent and cure, to a certain extent, common physical ailments related to the joints, the digestive system, the respiratory system and the nervous system.

Following by simple breathing exercises and guided meditation.
Then you are invited to rest comfortably in savasana and let go completely. All you have to do is follow the voice that is guiding you.

What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga nidra is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of verbal instructions.
In yoga nidra the practitioner remains in a state of light withdrawal of the 5 senses (the fifth element among the Eight stages of Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga in Yoga Sutra) with four senses internalised, that is, withdrawn, and only hearing still connects to any instructions given.

Yoga Nidra is very complementary to physical yoga practice. The stages of body scan and breath awareness alone can be practiced to calm the nervous system, leading to less stress and better health. You will be more clarity, connection and joy.
It offers a space to explore what you need in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions.

Language: Chinese

Yoga Nidra and Therapy 療癒瑜伽-大休息
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