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Wheel with me 瑜伽輪

1 credits/ All levels

Sweating index: 2 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
- 改善寒背
- 改善因背椎孤度消失引發的痛楚
- 改善肩背因僵硬而帶來的痛楚
- 訓練肩膊的靈活性
- 訓練肩椎柔軟度,更容易掌控後彎動作
- 有助舒緩因輕微椎間盤突出而帶來的各項不適

-Relieve the pain caused by the disappearance of the spinal curve
-Train up the flexibility of the back to handle backbend pose
-Relieve the discomfort caused by stiff shoulders and back
-Improve rounded back
-Train up the flexibility of the shoulders
-Relieve the discomfort caused by mild disc herniation
Yoga Wheel is designed to help stretching and releasing tension and muscular tightness in the back, chest, shoulders, abdomen and hip flexors. It is especially suitable for those who have stiff shoulders and back or use computer for long period of time.

*Please consult your doctor before taking any wheel class if you have any spinal fusions.

Wheel with me 瑜伽輪
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