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Flow with me 流動瑜伽

1 credit/ Intermediate

Sweating index: 3 (0 = No sweat, 5 = Sweat a lot)
“Ha” represents the sun and “Tha” represents the moon.
Hatha Yoga is the most traditional yoga practice; a combination of yin and yang, rigid and soft.
Class focuses on improving both mental and physical health and purifying the body and spirit.
You will learn the traditional Asanas and Pranayama, which can enhance the body's strength, flexibility, improve internal organs and cardiopulmonary functions, remove toxins from the body and purify the body and mind.
Regular practice brings countless benefits include increasing flexibility, muscles tone and strength;  improving circulation, heart health, sleeping quality, energy levels, athletic performance; reducing sports injuries, and improve posture. Improving anxiety and depressive symptoms, chronic pain, releasing endorphins and improve mood. Ready to meet the best of yourself?

Flow with me 流動瑜伽
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