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Teacher Training Course


Yoga Nidra Teaching Certificate Course



任何人都可以練習Yoga Nidra。尤其是對一些在生命上正處於進退兩難、很努力想學習放手的人;而對於難以入睡、創傷後遺症、身心極度倦怠及還有焦慮症的人都有巨大的好處。


至於想要體驗更深層次的休息、和平感、與自己重新建立更深刻聯繫的人來說,Yoga Nidra 是帶有療癒能力的。 


Yoga Nidra 的練習讓我們進入一種和諧、寧靜的狀態。從這裡,我們的一顆心可以安靜下來、被觸碰、被療癒,被喚醒我們真實、幸福和永恆的本質。


隨著越來越多的人體驗到它的治愈能力,同時多項研究證明了其有效性,Yoga Nidra這種傳統而崇高的方法在全世界可以說是越來越受歡迎了,至少我認為:每一間瑜伽館,為了學人學生的福祉都必須介入Yoga Nidra這課程。


在Yoga Nidra的練習裏我們將擺脫了時間、空間和理性的概念。當大腦活動開始減少,身體會自然地進入康復狀態。因此,有人會告訴你說:一小時的瑜伽 Nidra 可以帶來與四小時深層睡眠相同的好處。


Yoga Nidra 並不是Shavasana ,雖然兩者皆是舒服地躺下,但是兩者的儀式狀態不同,而Yoga Nidra是需要練習者設置一個 Sankalpa (為自己下定決心或喚起最深切的願望。)

Shavasana 是一種瑜伽體式而 Yoga Nidra 是一種介於睡眠和清醒之間的意識狀態。




在 Yoga Nidra 期間,身體進入深度放鬆模式。定期練習有助於身體進入更深層次的康復和恢復活力狀態。在這種練習中,身體機被最低限度使用、新陳代謝減慢、荷爾蒙功能增加。因此,身體有機會開始修復活動並將毒素排出系統。


壓力已經成為我們日常生活的一部分,它將我們帶入交感神經活動區並耗盡我們的能量,剝奪大腦和器官的必要資源。這就是為什麼在壓力大的情況下,我們的思考能力會大大降低,我們會感到疲倦和懶惰。正因為如此,我們無法正確分析,我們會混淆到底在這個世界上什麼才是重要、什麼是不重要。而那些被壓抑的情緒其實一直在我們的身體和心靈中造成持續的壓力。隨著 Nidra 的定期練習,慢慢地我們開始意識到我們的潛意識和隱藏的問題。隨著意識的提高,我們能夠釋放這些問題並讓它們成為過去式。


我在練習瑜伽好幾年後才明白專注是將思想保持在一個焦點上的能力是可以練習的。這多虧我開始練習要Yoga Nidra,在練習期間,我們練習將注意力集中在帶領者的指示上,並將意識轉移到不同的身體部位和感覺。一開始,心一直在遊蕩,但是當我們試著按照指示去做時,我們就不斷地把心帶回修行中。慢慢地,通過定期練可以越來越長時間地遵守指示,而注意力開始越來越少。隨著固定的練習,我們能做到對思想的控制並訓練它跟隨和集中注意力。




通常,我們只使用大腦的左半球進行學習。然而,經常練習Yoga Nidra能刺激大腦右半球的功能。有趣的是,曾有實驗證明使用 Yoga Nidra 技術,可以用傳統方法所需時間的 1/5 來學習一門外語。


自主神經系統負責各種身體功能,如新陳代謝、癒合和生長。這個系統不由自主地工作。我們無法激活或停用它。 它有兩個子系統:分別是交感神經系統和副交感神經系統。



我們需要兩個系統在需要時都處於活動狀態。在練習 Yoga Nidra 期間,我們會激活副交感神經系統。我們將激活我們的潛意識來釋放壓力並保持平靜和觀察的狀態。這就是為什麼 Yoga Nidra 有助於恢復身體活力。



1)Yoga Nidra 作為一種古老的技術到底是什麼一回事



4)幫助自己、身邊的人或學生進入Yoga Nidra狀態,讓他們內在智慧及細胞機制開啟,清除細胞中的毒素並卸下潛意識內隱藏着各種沉重的包袱。







30小時Yoga Nidra證書課程


Review of Teacher Training Course

"Lazy cat teacher training program is practical & beneficial, I highly recommended!"

By Reiko Ho, 2018 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

"Teacher Amanda is very inspiring and friendly. It is a very well structured teacher training program. I have learnt and enjoy a lot! It is a very valuable life experience!"

By Ivy Shum, 2018 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

"Lazy Cat Yoga inspired me a lot in the true meaning of yoga. With the 200-hour teacher training program, I have deepen my understanding of the different aspects of yoga. Lazy Cat Amanda is kind-hearted and wise teaching us depended on our different abilities and standards. We can easily find our own path to explore. She is very knowledgable about yoga, body, mind and philosophy. Here is a place for us to improve our physical, mental and spiritual health, to connect our inner self. She also love to share her own experience with all of us."

By Stefan Li, 2019 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

​"The Lazy Cat Yoga teacher training program is extraordinary for the care it gives to the small groups of students who participate in this program together. The teacher Amanda genuinely cares that each student understands important concepts in yoga philosophy, anatomy, approaches to teaching and so forth - and even more importantly instills the importance of caring for each person the trainee may teach in the future. I heartily recommend the Lazy Cat Yoga teacher training program to anyone who wants to learn more about yoga - you will learn a lot to deepen your own understanding of Yoga and improve your physical practice and don't have to plan to become a teacher."

By Josie Csete, 2018 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

The Lazy Cat Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training program has strengthened my understanding of the spirit and technique of true traditional yoga. Also made me realise that I want to connect with my inner soul. Amanda is a peaceful, caring and a very persuading teacher. she used every single bit of her knowledge about of yoga, philosophy, and the body system, and she taught us in all sorts of ways. Showing us all understanding form different features, which make us special in superior performance. This is a very persuading class, and a very useful life skill to use towards the future of training.

By Virginia Ho, 2019 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates



Lazy Cat Yoga teacher training program inspired me the true meaning of tradition yoga, and enabled me to embrace and re-connect with my inner self, Amanda is a passionate and knowledgable teacher.

By Tsui Kit Yin, 2019 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

I highly recommend the teacher training program in Lazy Cat Yoga to everyone. It is not only a program to provide you with more understanding and knowledge about yoga but a program to inspire you in every aspect in life. Amanda teaches us with her wholehearted. With her guidance, you will learn and improve step by step and to be a better you.

By Phoebe Yan, 2020 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

I completed a 200-hour YTT at Lazy Cat Yoga in 2021 in Hong Kong. I love the high quality of teaching from Amanda, who is a truly thoughtful yoga instructor. I learned all the techniques required to lead our own class to share yoga. The training was definitely a memorable and absolutely positive learning experience that has deepened my knowledge and inspired me to practice more. More importantly, I discovered a greater sense of self-awareness through the yoga training and felt more connected to my body, mind and spirit.

By Jason Sze-To, 2021 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates

Amanda is a great teacher who teaches not only technical skills but the real meaning of yoga. My yoga journey didn't start until I joint her RYT 200 course. Awareness of my body, mind and soul all started with her inspiration. Most importantly, she teaches us to love. I am blessed to be one of her students.

By Janet Yu, 2022 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates 

Lazy Cat Yoga is not just a yoga studio for practice but a place with lots of love and support. The 200-hr teacher training course I studied at LCY in 2021-22 enables me to learn the eight limbs of yoga philosophy, develop professional knowledge and skills of yoga practice as well as exploring the meaning of life. I am grateful for the encounter with our dearest teacher Amanda and all of my yoga buddies in LCY. It's definately one of the best things happened to me ever.

By Sophia Wan, 2022 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates 

I was lucky that I participated in Lazy Cat Yoga teaching training program. Thank you so much for Amanda Yim's teaching approach. I am so grateful. At first I thought it was a program just to help me improve my yoga poses. In fact, Amanda not only share knowledge of yoga and techniques on asana, the most rewarding from me is that she leads us to take care of ourselves , love ourselves from the inside to the outside.

By Edith Ng, 2022 Lazy Cat Yoga Teacher Training Graduates 


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